Team Trump/Pence rolled out their logo last week And almost immediately, social media exploded with rants, animated gifs, and rancid commentary. Yes, it is horrific and well-deserving of the mockery that it is continuing to receive.
What should you respect from a man/entity that displays the design ego-centric, "bigger is better" sensitivity of a chromosome-stunted sideshow barker?
This recent Facebook discourse and eruption reached toxicity levels many times higher than experienced following logo rollouts for Google, Pepsi, and the Gap's 2010 debacle. The high court of public opinion has almost unanimously voted a big fat zero for the "TP" visual brand.
The old logo (left). The 'new' logo (right), And the current logo (left).
But before we hang the logo's graphic designer out to dry, let's keep in mind that a logo design is often a group project – requiring the patience of Job, the wisdom of Solomon and the passive aggressive account management skills of Judas Iscariot (not always a bad thing).
One group member hates green. Another has asked the "hugely significant opinion" of their significant other. One doesn't care. Then there is the stakeholder with a cousin who spent two years in art school and now pilots an Uber – "Let's ask George to weigh-in!"
Yes, the Trump/Pence design committee has left us with a camel. And not a very pretty one either!
It is an unfortunate train wreck of symbology but by the end of November, it will all be forgotten. – Doug.