Today, David Meerman Scott, released the newest visual reincarnation of his legendary weblog, WebInkNow. From an inside baseball perspective, David made a web platform move from TypePad to HubSpot, which required the careful assistance of HubSpot's awesome tech team (mentally visualize a NASA Mission).
As a blogging pioneer, David has posts, links and graphics that go back a decade or more. Making the platform move–required the programming expertise and patience–of HubSpot's programming brain surgeons.
EYMER DESIGN Laboratories + Think Tank was not involved in the premier launch of WebInkNow (circa 2005). We did, however, pick up the ball shortly thereafter–and as you scroll through the screenshots, you will see how the visual brand morphed into the newly released version.
WebInkNow blog | 05.29.2014
As a responsible branding company, we pay close attention to an organization's accumulated brand equity. There are many times when tearing a brand down and starting over is the best solution.
In the case of David, his followers were growing so rapidly, that we felt it was better to make wide and calculated turns, rather than major visual overhauls that might confuse his newly acquired tribe members.
WebInkNow blog | 12.31.2013
WebInkNow blog | 12.29.2008
WebInkNow blog | 06.25.2008
EYMER did not create, the original version of WebInkNow. We did, however, incorporate pieces of the color palette and blog structure–the bright green, for example, still resides within the most recent version.
Also: It is only fair to mention that since older versions of the weblog were created in TypePad's earliest versions of their blogging platform–which offered a limited amount of fine-tuning, in terms of graphic design variables and flexibility.
WebInkNow blog | 12.20.2005
If you have questions or concerns regarding your organization's marketing firepower, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss how we might work with you, in order to take the next step towards further success!
I can be reached at 781.383.8844 or by email:–Doug.