One of the most rewarding aspects of my profession, is my constant exposure to people from all walks of life, with unique knowledge and interests. I learn something new every single day.
Richard Jurek, founder and curator: Jefferson Space Museum
Richard Jurek, who with David Meerman Scott, recently co-authored: “Marketing the Moon: The Selling of the Apollo Lunar Program”–the beautiful coffee table book concerning what has now become to be known as: 'The most successful marketing and public relations campaign in history.’
During the workday, Richard is a high-level corporate executive. In his spare time, he is a space enthusiast who collects artifacts from the space program–including space-flown, US, two dollar bills. Many of these bills, signed by astronauts and crew members, are available for viewing at Richard’s virtual gallery at the Jefferson Space Museum,
EYMER BRAND Laboratories + Think Tank, recently assisted Mr. Jurek, in the redesign and development of the online museum website/blog.
Unlike a brick-and-mortar museum, where you are several inches away from the displays, the Jefferson Space Museum brings the artifacts to near lifelike proportion and clarity.
TIP OF THE DAY: For those parents of vacationing school students, this might be a good week to plan a quick visit!
As Richard Jurek states: “Make sure you stop by the gift shop on your way out.” — Doug.