ATG, Inc. (Art Technology Group) directors, 2006
Over the many years of my professional life, I have often partnered with corporate photographer Len Rubenstein. Len has an incredible eye for people, which I am sure you will agree, is quite evident in his work.
Whether we were shooting deep within Iron Mountain's Pennsylvania salt mine or wandering the stark white laboratories of a life science company, Len naturally connects with people. Even the most stressed out 'muckety-muck' (Len's term for C-Level executives) begins to relax during the often hundreds of shots. The face redness soon disappears, and veins along the temples slowly decompress.
During my year-end office clean-up, I found a series of executive photographs shot for ATG, Inc.'s (Art Technology Group) 2005 annual report.
At some point during the shoot, two sets of 'Hulk Hands' appeared on the set. If I am not mistaken, I think that they belonged to VP, Ken Volpe.
Never officially published, this series of photos demonstrates how even the busiest of executives can enjoy a thirty-minute photo break. To see more of Len's work, visit his website, –Doug.