(I write this with my “snarkasm” filter cranked up to 11)
If you are like me, while on business travel, you are hanging around your corporate hotel room and suddenly it dawns on you. Hey! Wouldn’t it be great to have an exact replica of this room carefully tucked within my very own residence!
Marriott's In-Room Catalog
Sure this would be great–but think of the time involved in tracking down the exact bed runner, shower head, table lamp, the slightly used terry-cloth robe and the aromatherapy personal care products. Who has the time?
But wait!
The marketing wizards at Marriott have developed their own in-room catalog–providing an easy-to-follow online shopping roadmap–making this far-fetched dream an easy-to-obtain reality. Prices range from $40 for the projection alarm clock up to $3642 for the Complete King-sized bed package (Euro Sham, Euro Pillow, Accent Pillow, Duvet Cover, Matelasse Deluxe Bed Skirt).
If you are like me, your fingers will want to immediately run (not walk) to www.shopmarriott.com. Enjoy! – Doug.