Don't Disregard Snail Mail
If you are like me, you can sometimes get wrapped up in the latest and greatest online app or social media gadget that you forget about some of the old-school methods of making contact.
Unlike a fresh piece of snail mail, when was the last time that you screen-grabbed and printed out an email?
With our client, Warren Impact, we consistently take a one-two-punch to publicize the company's areas of specialty and recorded successes. Recently, following a summer tune-up of the Warren Impact website,, we designed a postcard to announce the updates.
From a content standpoint, the two-sided 4.0" x 6.0" mailpiece contains minimal content. However, the unique 'throwback' graphics will at least draw attention to the fact that Warren Impact is only an email or phone call away. Potentially, it will become either bulletin board material or something passed around the office. – Doug.