EYMER BRAND Laboratories + Think Tank

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Books for Young Marketers: Volume One

The Little Project That Wouldn't Go Away

Designers, copywriters, project managers, product group heads, pre-press experts, customer service professionals, etc., etc., etc.

EYMER BRAND Laboratories + Think Tank, has recently developed a series of children's books, specifically targeted to you and your profession. Through easily digested words and lush visual desserts–you will allow family and friends to experience, first-hand–your frazzled workday journey.

Children (as young as 4), will confront–last minute revisions, extended meetings, and unsolicited feedback from the client's clue-challenged brother-in-law. Moments of pure genius will be quickly and unremittingly extinguished.

The first edition, The Little Project That Wouldn't Go Away, focusses on a pro bono (free) assignment that grows multiple appendages, consumes an abundance of creative effort–only to suddenly burst into flames and vanish!

Future publications will include:

"I Don't Know–What do YOU Think?"

"I Hate Green"

"Does this Font Make Me Look Fat?"

"The Crowd Source Manifesto"*  

*For more experienced readers. Contains strong language and disturbing content.