EYMER BRAND Laboratories + Think Tank

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Emailed Holiday Cards are Lame! (there, I said it)

Whether a business or personal holiday greeting, if you send out an emailed holiday card, you are allowing the robots to win!

Since Johannes Gutenberg, the traditional printed and hand-signed holiday card has provided the annual means to reach out to another human and offer a personal greeting. Once a year, we sign our cards, place them in an envelope, introduce our very own DNA to the flap and stamp, place them in a mailbox and allow another human to deliver them.

Is this not the triumph of the human holiday spirit?

Now with the holiday season in full swing, while our email inboxes are bombarded with cyber-sales, breaking news, boatloads of SPAM, and various phishing expeditions, someone thinks that it is a fabulous idea to send an impersonal, one-size-fits-all emailed holiday greeting?

Human friends, this is the start of a significant communications movement, please join me! –Doug.