EYMER BRAND Laboratories + Think Tank

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In marketing your business, who are the usual suspects? Defining their ‘personas’ is an extremely valuable exercise.

Creating "Personas" helps you to visualize your lineup of prospects.

Its ‘Back to the Basics’ for this Marketing Expert

There have been multiple times during my 30+ year career, when I have visualized the theme of ‘Evolve or Perish’–awakening me, in a cold and clammy sweat. I have watched the tired old dinosaurs wander to the edge of the cliff–either stumbling to their demise or just making one more intentional belly flop into the dismal abyss. 

There were those who shunned the computer. 

“It will never catch on!” 

“Hands over keyboards!” 

“Rubylith lives!”

Then there was this familiar cry:

“I will only design for PRINT!” –milli-seconds before their final smack down.

Others built spectacular portfolios–awaiting a visit from a drifter in need of a new logo, 2-pocket folder or ‘Slim-Jim’ cocktail party brochure.

Like a “Last Chance for Gas” service station on the edge of an expansive desert, the disheveled portfolio operator desperately awaits the disoriented driver with the faulty “Triple A, Trip Tik®”. 

Google maps? Never!

Time, my friend, gallops on. And the buggy whip has met the same demise as the facsimile machine.

I now stand squarely in front of the empty drawing board, to which I have returned–common sense thinking cap strapped on and activated.

Here is my starting point. For the next few hours, I am going to think about clients–past, present and future.

  • What characteristics made the great clients, so great?
  • What were the common attributes? Male or female? Position within the company? Republican or democrat? Green Day or Barry White?
  • Like a television detective (or perhaps, Dr. Frankenstein), I am beginning to piece together a snapshot of the prospect–most likely to buy my services.
  • I then will shift to some of the failures. What were the characteristics that may have contributed to the unfortunate crash?
  • Each list of characteristics begins to take shape into a ‘Persona’ and before long, if I close my eyes, I will be able to visualize each of my human being marketing targets. 

In a relatively short period of time, I have established my lineup of the usual suspects.

The next assignment?

Discover the ticklers that will draw their attention. –Doug.